Product Discovery Training

Product Discovery Training

Discovery Training : conduct impactful discovery

Témoignages vidéo sur la formation Discovery Training de Opale (Pierre Fournier)

Many companies still don’t do enough Discovery. Some companies do Discovery, but inefficiently

Learn how to conduct impactful Discovery in 5x1H30 courses.

More than 100 very satisfied Alumni

Average grade of 9.3 out of 10


I was afraid of the training to be full of theory : it’s just the opposite, full of tangible case studies!

Wladimir d’Harcourt, CPO @IMangoPay (French Scale-up)


Very actionnable training, great impact (esp. on interviewing), and a great team building opportunity!

Amélie Petetin, CPO @Indy (French Scale-up)

What you will learn from this training

Unveiling deep user insights by actively listening and challenging behaviors rather than opinions (what your users need vs. what they say they need)
Focusing on outcomes rather than outputs by setting up user metrics (vs. business metrics) measuring a progress made by your user's
Aligning stakeholders on the product strategy by leveling up the discussion around needs' priority before diving into solutions

Some happy customers



Average note of 9,25 out of 10 (90 respondants)

Read all the feedbacks

L'équipe était vraiment contente, ça leur a fait beaucoup de bien de prendre un peu de recul. J'en avais entendu beaucoup de bien par une amie, ça a tenu ses promesses, j'avais peur que ce soit sur des grands concepts généralistes, mais non, ils ont eu plein d'exemples concrets Wladimir D'Harcourt, CPO @Mango Pay
La mise en application de frameworks thĂ©oriques sur des cas trĂšs pratiques, qui permet de comprendre comment s'en servir et surtout leur donne leur lĂ©gitimitĂ©. Quand on avait le temps, je trouvais ça super utile d'essayer par nous-mĂȘmes, galĂ©rer, apprendre le framework et rĂ©essayer. Par ailleurs j'ai trouvĂ© ça gĂ©nial de s'entraĂźner Ă  faire des interviews, autant les frameworks on peut lire dessus et s'entraĂźner par soi-mĂȘme, autant les interviews c'est trĂšs rare d'avoir un retour de ce qu'on fait et comment on pourrait s'amĂ©liorer. Valentin MĂ©nard, Senior PM @manomano
Super dynamique de Pierre ! PremiĂšre formation oĂč je rentre autant dans le dĂ©tail de mener un test Utilisateur, se rendre compte des biais, abus de langage etc... J'ai bcp appris et ça m'a donnĂ© envie de continuer Ă  creuser le sujet avec mes PMs. Anne Mikielski, Lead PM @ThĂ©odo
Top formation avec Pierre autour de la Product Discovery. L'équipe était frileuse au départ, car les formations ne sont pas toujours actionnables ou si utiles que ça. Ici, c'est tout le contraire : en 5 séances on a revu les bases de la Product Discovery comme des notions plus avancées, on a fait des mises en pratiques. Gain de temps et d'impact : nous partageons désormais une meilleure base commune autour de la Product Discovery sur laquelle on est tous alignés. Performance de l'équipe : on s'est tous améliorés sur la User interview pendant ces 5 séances. Cerise sur le gùteau : super occasion de team building qui a donné lieu à des échanges riches avec l'équipe, et un moment convivial en plus !!. Amélie Petetin, CPO @Indy (ex. Georges Tech)
Les exemples concrets, franchement super. Les take aways hyper clairs. Le cÎté "vraie vie" et pas théorique. Perrine El-Khoury, Head of Product and co-founder @Reveal (Sharework)
La bonne suprise ! La meilleure formation que j'ai eue. J'ai vraiment l'impression d'avoir compris quelque chose avec cette formation, Pierre arrive Ă  faire comprendre en quelques mots... Simon Maestre, Senior data consultant @Artefact
TĂ©moignage d’AmĂ©lie PetĂ©tin, CPO de Indy

Training sessions program

This training is a 5 parts training. You don't have to go through all the trainings but if you want to follow more than one, you need to follow the order

  1. What User Centricity is really about ? Some theory (a few slides) about Discovery. And above all, 5 tangible examples where we realize how powerful user centricity can be but that it also requires a strong commitment from the whole organisation (who are keen to set business metrics, jump into delivery too fast, stay stucked on their own product, resort to quantitative research wo qualitative...)
  2. Pitfalls to avoid when doing UR (User Research) : UR is simple in theory but comes with several pitfalls (mainly biases). Being aware of them allow you to avoid them. Again, 5 tangible examples to go through the most critical pitfalls and learn how to be careful with what your users say (or what you want them to say...)
  3. The art of interviewing : once convinced of the importance of being User Centric, how to move on ? Tools, user sourcings, interview tips, routines... You will see, always through tangible example, how interviewing can be an art, from listening to clarifying what your users really need. Everyone will interview during this session
  4. From discovery to strategy : this session will focus about 5 methodologies that will help you have productive discussions with your stakeholders, measure efficiently market fit, go back to the rootcauses, or understand who you play against in terms of substitutes (not competition) and finally build your Product Strategy based on your discovery
  5. UR in practice: this wrap up session will allow you to put together all the learnings you went through during the first sessions through a compelling case where I will be playing the user role. You will be interviewing me and we'll debrief through every stage of the research

Format :

  • 6 to 8 persons to favor interactions and experiences sharing between participants.
  • 1H30 for each session
  • Remote


Enterprise : max 8 persons per session

  • <500 persons in the company : 1200€ HT per session / 5000€ HT 5 sessions
  • 500+ Persons in the company : 1500€ HT per session / 6000€ HT 5 sessions


  • B2C : 1000€ TTC for the 5 sessions (300€TTC / session)
  • B2B : 1000€ HT for the 5 sessions (300€HT / session)



Pierre Fournier has been working in the Product field for more than 15 years, both as an entrepreneur (VousAvezChoisi, WILL) or as a CPO (ManoMano, French ScaleUp with 25 product teams under management at that time). He is also trained to NVC (Non Violent Communication), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), 2 fields very useful to do great Discovery. He also writes about Product Management on his Medium Page.

See his LinkedIn profile