Opale Conseil
Opale Conseil

Opale Conseil

Opale Conseil : the professional world needs a new operating system

The professional world is breathless. It needs a new operating system, based on purpose, empowerment and wholeness. Laloux calls it “Teal”.

Who am I ?

In parallel to my new venture (WILL), I write, coach and teach about product-centricity, management and (business) sustainability.

Pierre Fournier (Linkedin)



Articles populaires


Exemples de mission

Derniers avis

À propos

Qui suis-je ?
Pourquoi Opale ?
Pourquoi faire du conseil ?

🛠️ Hard Skills

  • Product (discovery, strat, delivery)
  • Stratégie (vision, roadmap, OKRs...)
  • Tech (code, archi, big data)
  • Marketing (acquisition, brand, growth)

❤️ Soft Skills

  • Communication (CNV)
  • Management (recrutement, career path, orga...)
  • Facilitation (Liberating Structure, Design Thinking...)

📔 Sources d'inspiration

  • Reinventing organizations (Orga, Frédéric Laloux)
  • Inspired (Product, Marty Cagan)
  • From Good to Great (Business, Jim Collins)
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a team (Management, Patrick Lencioni)
  • Non Violent Communication (Communication, Marshal Rosenberg)